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naughtyjeanette's Recent Entries

file from erik fiddler

by naughtyjeanette

You will have a great desire to go out for the whole day. Every second you wait the greater the desire becomes. But in order to leave the house will must be dressed very slutty. While you are out you will not notice that you are dressed slutty. You will think that you are dressed appropriately. You will be very clumsy when ever others are around and you will make sure guys get to see your panties when you bend down. You will find this fun and completely normal for you as if you have always done it. When you talk you will curse a lot. You won't be able to get through a single sentence without cursing. This will also seem normal to you. You will have to be out of the house for 7 hours at least. Once you return home you will realize everything you did and you will notice how you look. You will not remember getting this email until one hour after you get home. You will not think that it was an email that made you do this until you remember about this email.

I don't really remember what this is about, but then again, I suppose I should not be remembering that. I will get dressed and go out now I think. I'll be back later.


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