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naughtyjeanette's Recent Entries

a real nice person

by naughtyjeanette

This morning started with me receiving two files, which is rather much currently. I didn't know then what they did, but I am getting an idea. The good news is, jonas was back, somehow waking up besides me in bed. Somehow I was instantly comfortable with that and we cuddled and kissed a little before I got up and got ready for work. I'd love it if he'd have sex with me right then and there, but I really needed to take work seriously today so after dinner, I kissed him goodbye (it didn't even feel weird to instantly trust him with my appartement) but he refused to stay and he told me he wanted to do something nice instead. I was a little nervous about this. I felt that he's a product of my imagination (a handsome one, i must say) but I really didn't want to bring him to work, for I did not want to be distracted. I could convince him to spend the day on his own and I'd catch him later. He didn't even seem to be all too disappointed and relieved I went off to work.

At work I felt like something was wrong but I could not put my finger on it yet. Then it dawned on me that puppy had sent me her punishment email again, but with a twist that left me clueles about how it would be triggered this time and when. I was quite nervous althoug I expected that it would not happen for real while I was at work. But maybe I was wrong about that...

Having learned from some private playing that happened yesterday I had brought two pairs of spare panties, just in case. I really hoped I would stay in control, but I could not be sure what my trigger for the punishment email was and if I somehow got triggered, I knew there was a chance that hell would break loose in my panties. I hoped it was something like the last time, when an orgasm had triggered it, because such a thing was unlikely to happen at work. But what if it was something simple, like getting a certain email? Or going to the copier room? I could not be sure and that was a real thrill.

I got an email from jonas, he said he'd prepared something nice for me and I felt myself glowing with anticipation. Luckily, nothing bad happened and I got off work on time too. Now I am at home and as I type this, jonas is sitting next to me, smiling at what I am writing. I am looking forward for spending the evening with him, but he is really interested in all the stuff I am doing and had done during the last weeks. He seems to share some of my kinks and he is very cool about it all. It is so nice to have someone to talk so openly to about the strange stuff. I am going to enjoy the evening but I will stay online just in case something comes up that we can enjoy together maybe *g*.


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