naughtyjeanette's Recent Entrieswoke upby naughtyjeanetteI woke up and again, I had wet panties. I don't mind, it feels right to be losing control of my bladder a little here and there, because I guess that's just what good girls do. I'm giving up changing panties every few minutes, just put on my jeans and that's it. Feels right. I am really beginning to embrace this good girl lifestyle, showing off my bum and being a little wet down there, but I still wonder how I shall manage to not poo. I half wanted to yesterday but then I looked at my bum and thought I'd be totally ruining it's appeal and beauty if I did something so disgraceful. That's just not what good girls do so I guess I'll be brave and not do it. Maybe I'll figure a way to get around it somehow.
Wonder how puppy's holding up *g*.