
The Dilbert Method

by Noctis

In a scene from the comic "Dilbert" a method on how to get what you want comes up. This method may or may not work..but hey why not give it a shot and see for yourself.

. Method: Basically write down on paper something you want 15 times each day like "I have "this" blah blah blah" in sentence form. Do this everyday until you see results.

. You could probably also type it if you wanted to in fact I prefer it that way myself.

. Does it work? Use it and see, you might be surprised...especially if it gets combined with other methods.

. If I could find the actual part of the comic or article that this was mentioned in I'd share it; for now I can't remember where it's from I just know it's from that comic is all..if I find it I'll re-add it to this journal just for reference.

. As for everything else...I'm done writing my brains out for now lol..take care everyone.


- Cade

worth a try... what should i do...

- iamli3

i think thats absurededty , while 1 everything is absured and 2 not even being able to comprehend the ut most basic conscepts would make that an imposable feet for me anyways..........

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