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goforit698's Recent Entries

This seems to work

by goforit698

I'm getting really fucked up with this. I listened to a few files and never went into a trance, yet I feel compelled to obey them somehow. I listened to the file Picture Slut and got in touch with my Master for this file. What he wants me to do is completely outside of my limits. He wants me to send him a photo of myself totally nude with my face included and with a sign taped to my chest saying "I love cock", which he will then post wherever he wants. I don't want to do this as it could screw up my life, and yet, I feel I will not be satisfied until I have obeyed. It's a weird feeling to feel completely controlled and yet feel like it is totally liberating at the same time.


- guyincognito88

Did you finally do it?

- mutatedbunnyboy

I imagine you have that user name for a reason, you should just go for it :P

- iamli3

...wow....fuck why did i come on here again? stupid conversion is taking to long that's why....

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