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MasterCsPet's Recent Entries

December 22

by MasterCsPet

Today Master turned me into his stallion. It was an intense arousing transformation. I felt so big and powerful. He then transformed me into a anthro Pegasus which felt really good. Master is wonderful, I really enjoy being transformed by him. He has great ideas. Before we ended Master made sure I knew I was an animal. I now feel like I shouldn’t walk on two legs or wear clothes wherever I go. It feels strange, but I know its right.


- iamli3

this remindes me of a page in a magasine i think my friend showed me that had a bunch of humans in a large cage like what you would see humans do to other animals in a zoo dressed in loin cloths picking at each others hair and the thing said "humans in there natural habitat" i then pointed out that that was wrong cause "naturaly" the humans would be naked like the rest of the animals which they are are , and we both started laughing..........

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