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Draze's Recent Entries

alright time to find a tist buddy

by Draze

current status-normal, no pain, no pleasurable feelings,same IQ, reaction times acceptable, normal senses, No mistress cravings(or master cravings Sick.gif) current interests:reading,drawing, furry, and self improvement(physically and mentally) anyone reading this and my later posts and find changes that You would think I would have wanted please alert some one? Or just watch the hilarity of what happens too me...


- iamli3

"you would hane NOT* wanted" from how dead this whole jurnal section seems to be i wouldnt count on that help from anyone....... would be intrested in knowing from your last post what - oh wait that mean that you are already doing something to "trance" that works , nm then........

- MindManipulator

sadly I dont have any hypnosis train of my own. but If I had trance triggers to use I would aid in self improvement. I really need to learn how to do it myself

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