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MacGyver's Recent Entries

it must be true, LOL

by MacGyver

yep, the girl who had me dress girly for halloween, wanted to see my legs in hose, so, showed leg all the way to the hip, and even she said i have sexy girly legs. i am told my legs are firm like a womans and shaped like a womans as well. so, i guess the only thing left to do is get that 9 speed bicycle finished and lose this waist, and iffin i end up losin my butt again, well, there is the fembutt file on this site to get a nice round plump girly hiney, and see where i am on the whole girly figure thing. almost 2 years ago, my legs were taking a manly shape and form, and now since i have been using the femme files and experimenting with one then another, my legs are going back to taking a girly shape. my left foot still looks a bit like a mans foot but my right foot is lookin mighty girly. not sure here but, think it may be time to take more measurements to see how i am doing least on the calves and are my feet still shrinking or not. to the naked eye, my calves appear smaller so, yeah, i think it is time for measurements again soon as i find where i put the tape.


- iamli3

id be intrested in hearing the results of this aperant "shinking" actualy what i would suggest is that you get someone else to do the messuring for you , just to be sure.........

- MacGyver

i have to measure again, using the tape measure from work, a wardrobe tape would yeild different measurements. probably would not be a bad idea to start taking some pics as well. somewhere i got pics of my breasts just incase those things grow from listening to file, i already have man boobs, LOL.

- MacGyver

well, this time last year, my feet were a size 13W, when i went to get steel toe boots for work this year, the woman checked and i had to try on a few, my feet now fit a 12M and those seem to be starting to loosen up on my feet a bit and my toes do not go up under the steel toe of the boot as far as they did 5 weeks ago when i bought them. got to find my tape and check my feet again. my toes no longer sit flat on the floor when i am barefoot. i have to actually think about it and make them sit flat on the floor. when i walk, it is only with my heels and the balls of my feet, as if i were wearing high heel shoes with the heels ripped off of them. kinda weird if ya ask me seein as most peoples feet dont do this. another weird thing, there is not nearly as much padding on the bottoms of my feet as there was this time last year.

- iamli3

hmmmmmmm............. you sure your not just getting old -.o??............

- MacGyver

i am only 34 yrs old, LOL. think my feet may still be shrinking, i am no longer 12M in steel toe boots, am now just a size 12 and those seem to be getting loose over the last few months. i know, maybe i am just sweating my feet off at work, LOL.

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