Key Points for furries, therians, etc. interested in "morphing" or animal fileby NoctisThe first and foremost important thing to remember is that when any focus of the mind is directed towards an "animalistic" nature there are risks of getting so into it that you could possibly weird out and hurt yourself or someone else. This is a pretty rare occurrence thankfully but I'm giving the warning to anyone who may be pretty inexperienced or who is an immature little Shi* coming to an adult site and attempts to do something they know nothing about.
For those of us who know what we're doing and who are ready to proceed another key point I should mention is control. No I do not mean control of the body or even the mind since that is the focus of hypnosis; I am talking about the control of the ego. If you allow the ego to burst out at the wrong time you will be faced with unnecessary "blocks" in your path. There must be no fear or confusion about who YOU are on every level.
If you are the type of person who often becomes full of doubt then I'd highly suggest training your mind to focus and accept itself before proceeding to something such as morphing your awareness into that of an animal..and anthros are no exception.
Unfortunately there are several people out there who do not know jack shi* about themselves on a personal level. Some of these people are sole dreamers and not "doers" or when they do something it lacks progress afterword. For hypnosis to be successful there must be a stable enough mind and personality attempting the process.
Now as some of you may be wondering as to what this has to do with "furry" or therianthropy or animal shifting I must say it has almost everything to do with it. Some people interested in these things ARE very unstable and before you accuse me of being a hypocritcal fur "basher" you should know that also there ARE very unstable people interested in other subcultures and online groups.
Therefore furries/therians are people just like anyone else; and as such have the same flaws as others while retaining their own individual room for personal expression. As such furries and therians alike should attempt to further their connection to their animalistic persona.
The process taken to do so will be difficult or simple depending on the person; with patience however it will be just as rewarding on a subconscious level for those who choose to try something so out there as "morphing" their conscious perception of themselves into that of an animal form.