The Process of creating a blueprint for an animal/other form to "morph" intoby NoctisThis is something I put together for anyone interested in the animal shifting files I've seen around here. The method is simple enough and It should be of some help to those who may feel lost in this subject. Have fun. :)
The Process:
1. Learn about your animal in it's feral natural existence. If you feel you already know enough write out an outline of how you would act in an anthropomorphic form of the animal of your choice.
2. Practice going into a trance. Take some time, even if it is only 3 minutes from your day to sit quietly and focus on yourself attuning to your animal form (s). In the first few tries you're going to want to focus on the sensory perceptions of your fursona/species. Between the 4th and 10th tries you're going to want to focus on your body physically starting to morph; I'd suggest trying the toes and fingers, hoofs, claws, paws, etc. first as these tend to be difficult at times to picture. Follow the process with focus on the torso, genitals, nipples, tail, and end the visualized morph by ending at the head. Repeat as necessary until comfortable with your forms "blueprint".
3. Use any of the files you choose to use with the blueprinting process I just gave and take at least one day to focus on the blueprint process without the audio from the file while attempting to focus on the audio you remember from the file.
4. Create a rough blueprint of a "setting". Basically create your own scenery within your mind for your "morph" to mentally take place. This can be anything you wish to picture: example: wolves = forest. Of course you can use any scenery at all for any species. Repeat the blueprinting method in your visualized setting with and without the hypnosis files of your choice.
5. To connect further to your forms you can use objects or images to help trigger a mental "morph" if you will. So if had a favorite necklace, ring, bracelet, earring, etc. That you'd like to equate with the morph into your species during trance or whenever just add the object in your blueprinting technique and trance states you go into.
That's pretty much it and if someone wants to add their own techniques already used feel free to do so. This method is solid and can be used with any species you can literally come up with real or fantasy, this could also theoretically work with forms based on game or anime-ish characters. You are literally getting your mind use to seeing it's own awareness in another light and with patience, practice, and fun you WILL be successful.