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Xrush's Recent Entries

1st Jornal entry

by Xrush

Hi, well i got a WMM account a few months ago and I haven't put anything in a jornal yet. So I thought I might as well put something down, mainly the stuff I would like to experience when Hypnotized :P Well one of the things I would like to experience is what it feels to be a women, without the whole peremnant thing. I dunno why, you can just call it curiocity, to see what I/ my mind thinks I look like and feel as a women. Another hypno thing I would like to experience is being a doll or some inanimate object for a period of time. Just standing/ sitting their, thinking of nothing for a period of time seems really interesting, escpecially after seeing it some hypno vids on youtube :P As for Hypno nots, i don't want to be made a slave or have any hypnosis done to me which is permenant or classed as a curse. I am possibly lookin for hypnotists or files to feel these things out. Well that is all that I think to put down thanks for reading this entry ^^.


- iamli3

your thanking me for reading your jurnal? thats the first nice thing anybody has said to me from this site (not like they say a whole lot to me to begin with >_> .......) ty.........

- dottie

You should try "One Hour Doll" (by EMG). That should match one of your interests pretty closely, and there are no long term suggestions to bother you.

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