restiant indunction listen # 2by iamli3well for tonight i can keep it short , i was getting tired so i did a short chi breathing and layed down to listen to the file.
emideatly i notised that i was so tired i could barely bother to even think about any of what the guy was saying let alone all of them at the same time , but i didn't even get to the part where he tells you to think about nothing before i was kinda knocked out and can't remember what he said , i say kinda because after waking up for some reason i thought to myself that i was only half knocked out and that i was still listening to him on some conscious level even though i can't really remember why i thought that or anything the file said , i was regaining consciousness not even 30secs before the file ended , i remember hearing him say "you will want it to work you will like it and will be pluesantly suprised" and w/e (i still say hes full of it , or at least i know i normaly would but i seam very unagresive tonight , and f#$% me if that excuse is wrong and thats actualy his suggestions taking effect on my why i didn't feel compeled to sware at him this time after only 2 listens , but only time will tell........) and then him counting up and being done , so i guess thats all i have to say for now.............
(seriously though , f#$ me/him if he makes me like the instant trance trigger "sleep now" is what it is or w/e...........)
(wow that wasn't nearly as short as i thought it was going to be.............)