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ShadowXero's Recent Entries

Third Attempt Part 2 Jan 31 (CCP)

by ShadowXero

When I was listening to this file, I find myself resisting under the trance. My body shivered, tensed, cringed flinched along with rapid eye movement. After I snapped out of it, I was leaking. But I also realized that if your PC Muscle flexes while listening to the file, it will leak anyway. So I can say for sure that it worked, but this will be the last "curse" I'm going to use. You can count on that.


- iamli3

why? what did the "curse" w/e file do that made you say that? hell i still don't even understand the difference between "curse" and non "curse" , like i've seen bits of information here and there "oh curses are permanent" or somethign liek that but never the big picture so all information of it seams to just not exsist in me.........

- ShadowXero

It's considered to be curse if you believe that it will happen. For me, it seemed real, but I was resisting all the way. Also, nothing is really permanent for curses if you stop listening to it. Oh and sorry I accidentally erased your other comment.

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