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diaperd4ever's Recent Entries

my first and second hypnosious

by diaperd4ever

i sat in my desk chair and hit a random diaper hypno thing that would make me piss myself uncontrollably for two hours i strapped on a diaper( pull up so i could change quickly) and started the hypnosis.... and the cool thing was before i started i locked my bathroom door and hid the key on top of the fridge so when i started to piss myself i wouldn't be able to throw off the diaper and rush to the bathroom to try and end it all. when it finally started the dam bursted i rushed into my spare bathroom shower so the urine wouldn't spill on the carpet( haven't come out yet) when the first urination stooped i slid off the soaking pull up and threw it in the bathroom trash can i reached under the sink and slipped on yet another pull up. by dinner time i had gone throe at least three repetitions of the hypnosis and three of my twenty packages of pull ups. as i ate my dinner i got one of my bottles from the fridge and started sucking down more water. by the time i had gone throe the hypnosis for the tenth time i was down to my last box of pull ups, so when i was done with the last uncontrollable wetting one i put the half filled diaper package under the sink and found a hypnosis that made it look like i was wearing a diaper and in an inescapable crib while in bed so i changed into my underwear and placed my laptop on the bed i started the hypnosis and the room started spinning when everything was done i looked down and saw one of those really thick diapers covered by locking plastic pants when i "wet myself" it leaked throe the locking pants and a half hour later the hypnosis ended so i threw my underwear and sheets into the washer changed into my last couple of pull ups went into bed holding by bottle still sucking down the last of the water and drifted into dream land.


- iamli3

k 1 how much f#$%ing water did you drink -.o? that amount of pissing doesn't sound healthy at all..... 2 sucking WATER from a bottle? like , ewwwwww...... 3 the other file was supposed to make you imagine you were in a crib but it gave you thicker diapers instead -.-? so much of this is so wrong........

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