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quite confused

by james

hey im 23 and new here. im kinda confused about all this stuff. i have always found myself romantically attracted to women but sexually to men. ive been listening to the file to change orientation towards men. when im aroused i listen to this file and afterwards when im not aroused i wonder what the hell was i thinking. but ive listened to the file so many times im feeling its effects. id really appreciate some advice and suggestions as i continue to explore this site. :)


- Bonnie

Just follow your mind my dear. You are doing the right thing by listening to the files. They do work and have made me very happy. I'am now who I was suppose to be all a long a female. It wont be all roses my dear but if you have been atracted to the male go for it. There is nothing wrong being bi or gay it's just who and what you are. Best of luck and here is a good luck hug and kiss from someone that was in a very simular spot that you are in. xoxo

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