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nowhereman19's Recent Entries

Cum Eater

by nowhereman19

I downloaded curse cum this morning and burned to a CD. I very seldom have the opportunity to relax and go into a real trance so I will listen when I am busy with other things and when ever I can. I will post my results. I occassionally eaat my cum but that is when I leak or am milking my prostate. After I have an orgasm I want to eat it but for some reason I don't. It might be that my mind set changes after release. I am going to try and change that, there is always such a nice puddle fo cum left behind and I want to eat it, savor it in my mouth.


- iamli3

heh lucky >_> , im able to blow myself if i try hard enough , but i have no incentive to because i hate the taste of my seamen , it leaves a terrible after taste in the back of my mouth/throat , even if i just get the tiniest taste of it that after taste goes all over , even just thinking about it i can almost feel it >_> lol........

- TeenWolf

I've tried this file. I listened 5 times, then I cummed. (Ahhhh, the enjoyment of cumming) I ate it, and enjoyed it.And cummed again, and ate it.

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