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Dogboy's Recent Entries

I'm a dog 7

by Dogboy

Wearing my collar lots now, waling around on all fours, eating and especially lapping up my water from a bowl. it’s a good way to drink. Absolutely love chewing on my chew toys, making squeak, growling as I chew on them finding nothing but joy out of it. Easier to be a dog, thinking like a dog. Being a dog. I am a dog.


- iamli3

im not touching that other journal though........... oi , stop making so many updates , it's just that much more for me to read , geez , lol....... anyho , comment time , you know , i never really expected any of those only journals that i've read (cause ya i almost did read just about all of them sadly , meh......) , now i have thought about that whole dog experience thing you say your doing here , what with my zoosexuality and all , but ultimately i find it to be a load of crap , i already know most of what i need to know about w/e from my dogs themselves , but when it comes to the mind thing that's even more full of crap cause it can only ever be as much as what the person would believe is correct (the collar , chewing , simple mindedness , and what not) which is entirely subjective , i view those creatures in a much different light than the popular opinion has demonstrated (here as well) and really what that demonstration is is just another form for a slave , only 1 that stands on 4 legs instead of 2 , is fur covered , and it's verbal communication is different from our own which we refer as "backing" and "whimpering" or w/e...........

- iamli3

bloody hell , wanna delete my other post there that didn't have proper spacing? why do you gotta do this < br> s#$% anyways?.......

im not touching that other journal though...........

oi , stop making so many updates , it's just that much more for me to read , geez , lol.......

anyho , comment time , you know , i never really expected any of those only journals that i've read (cause ya i almost did read just about all of them sadly , meh......) , now i have thought about that whole dog experience thing you say your doing here , what with my zoosexuality and all , but ultimately i find it to be a load of crap , i already know most of what i need to know about w/e from my dogs themselves , but when it comes to the mind thing that's even more full of crap cause it can only ever be as much as what the person would believe is correct (the collar , chewing , simple mindedness , and what not) which is entirely subjective , i view those creatures in a much different light than the popular opinion has demonstrated (here as well)

and really what that demonstration is is just another form for a slave , only 1 that stands on 4 legs instead of 2 , is fur covered , and it's verbal communication is different from our own which we refer as "backing" and "whimpering" or w/e...........

- Dogboy

Sorry, but I can only be what I imagine a dog to be.

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