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Dogboy's Recent Entries

I'm a dog 11

by Dogboy

Woke up with the powerful urge to pee all over the place, marking my scent. Need to let the other dogs know I was there, but I’m trained to well. Had to be content to lift my leg over the toilet. I was thinking about chasing and other dogs a lot this morning, as I lay curled up In bed wearing my collar. Still love barking and chewing on my toys.


- iamli3

grrr i can't write comments for every little thing you post >_> .....

- curiousguy92

@iamli3 Can I ask why you're commenting on every journal entry?

- iamli3

cause when i first came on here i took a look at this all when i was wanting to start my own journal and i was like "danm , why the f#$% don't ppl comment on these things?" , i mini ranted about it somewhere and decided that i would contribute (even if it's only in my own way) by commenting on every new journal post , at least the ones that i could

but this a-hole here wont shut up about pissing on things and barking , i can't make worthwhile comments to that , i wanna hear him atk somebody for getting to close to his "territory" so i can laugh , lol.........

- curiousguy92

hmm...its an interesting endeavor, but really not all journal entries are worth commenting on. i mean, comment frequently, sure, but you don't have to comment on absolutely everything. I bet you could drum up more participation in the journals by posting something in the forum.

- iamli3

i do comment in the forums though , and i don't comment on every journal post , it's just a shity feeling to have this community sharing feature and not have anybody care enough to say so.......

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