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Heartwould's Recent Entries


by Heartwould

These files seem to be working. I've been using them for about a month, and I begin to feel very antsy and uneasy if I haven't listened for a few days. The "listen and repeat" commands seem to be taking hold, for sure! Other signs? I've always been naturally submissive (although outwardly aggressive), and my submissive behaviour is getting forefronted much more strongly. Yesterday, I felt the need to take my master to task for having disrespected our daughter, and I had a throbbing headache afterwards. I think it was from having contradicted the hypnosis! Inwardly, I do reserve the right to stand up for my children when I think it appropriate, but next time, I might do it much more respectfully (and manipulatively, truth be told) than confrontationally. Hopefully will avoid a headache. My sex life, on the other hand, is definitely improving. Prrrrrr. My husband hadn't been all that keen on the idea of having a sexual slave for a wife, but he's been enjoying my submissive behaviour a whole lot. So, the other day, he agreed to read some material from Mentor N Master on Literotica, and says he understands something about me for the first time. Hooray!! I hadn't understood that submissiveness is very attractive, whether the dom knows about it or not. hugs to all


- tomtom-phs

Wonderful beginnings! At one point in time when i was far younger, i considered my self Alpha male. But acting like one was seldom satisfactory for me or my companions at the time. Later with my first wife (deceased) i attempted to initiate a more even D/s relationship as a S/switch. With relationships between my first and second wives, i was S/switch and much happier that way. With my second wife, (now also deceased) i attempted to get her interested in more adventurous aspects of D/s than light bondage. She was reluctant. Once i suggested however that she allow me to be her totally obedient slave for an entire weekend, doing all of the housework and waiting on her every whim, she agreed to try a test run. That week end was a major turning point in our relationship. When she discovered that i was investigating hypnosis for a moderate ED condition, she began to investigate erotic hypnosis as an extension of our D/s relationship. Eventually she began to deepen my submission and take on a more and more Dominant aspect. The more submissive i became the more she loved me. The more she loved me the more i loved and trusted her. The more i loved and trusted her then more submissive i became. i've been told that i was very lucky. i think luck was involved in the fact that we had compatible personalities and she and i were both open enough with each other to explore things we were in fact interested in, but with someone else might have been too reluctant to even admit it to ourselves.

- Heartwould

Thank you! And, thank you for sharing your story! That's how I feel it's going between my Master/husband and me -- slowly, inching into it as we find out what feels good, what feels right. He's really enjoying having me pleasure him, that's for sure, and is slowly picking up the reins (loves steering my head with fistfulls of hair while I'm sucking his cock, for example).

- Heartwould

Hi, Tom Tom, Your story is very inspiring to me, and I don't know how I managed to miss it for all this time. I really appreciate knowing how your submissiveness inspired the dominance in your second wife, and how you brought that submissiveness into all areas of your marriage. Thank you; I'm not as submissive as I'd like to be outside of sex, which probably is throwing a monkey wrench into achieving my desires. Thank you for posting! Heartwould

- Heartwould

Hmm, guess I did notice it, but didn't quite understand the implications.

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