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by newguy

I have been listening to all of the bodybuilder files over and over for the last few nights. I feel I have been getting really uptight if I dont workout. I've also noticed I have been more irritable, I think that is due to the increase in testosterone.


- MN_FriendlyGuy

Testosterone usually has the opposite effect - causing guys to be less irritable.

I suspect the irritability might be caused from getting inadequate sleep. And that's bad. It's bad because sleep is when your body rebuilds microtears in the muscle, created when lifting. If you ain't getting your sleep, you ain't maximizing your growth.

- TeenWolf

MN_FriendlyGuy's right, Testosterone makes you less irritable. Also, aim to get 10+ hours sleep

- iamli3

huh danm o.o , a good night's sleep is around 8 hours for me...... and uh , weelll if your looking for a soution to that......play Okami? idk :l ........

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