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tomtom-phs' Recent Entries

Email Slave Update

by tomtom-phs

It has become apparent that those interested enough to respond to this with an email seek primarily to have such conversations as a ONE WAY situation. email reposting in hops of finding others who wish to EXCHANGE triggering emails, with a reminder that my trigger is non-standard and i will supply it through email once trust, understanding and agreements have been reached. tomtom_phs@yahoo.com


- tomtom-phs

Reading back overthis journal entry i realize it may be inaccurate. At the time i wrote it my email trigger was non-standard, but wince them I have begun to listen to my old playlist for trancing since i no longer have other outlets. So i guess the old email slave triggers areprobably back in effect. i've emailed a few of the people who used to trigger me, but none of them have responded, so i've taken to sending public messages at WMM looking for those willing to trance me from time to time. Miss it.

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