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WouldLike2Wet's Recent Entries

Day 4

by WouldLike2Wet

Well yesterday was fun like I said I had a mommy last night she had a blast. I still can't get my choice to work "cursebedwetting" still dry all night maybee I am trying too hard of couse the "traindiapers2" seems to be working I just wanted to get home to get my diaper on all day. now my friend is so into this she says she wants to play somemore but will not be back for a couple of weeks. She say she is going to try one. She wants a custom file to be a good mommy but only if it had us switch off and after a day that she was mommy the next time I was her daddy. EMG would you and could you make this happen? I don't mind being her daddy but loved yesterday being her baby. We looked over a bunch of files yesterday and we did agree the age definition on the schoolgirl would be a nice triger to go with thw switch roll file.


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