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where2go's Recent Entries

wet the bed 8-23-10

by where2go

last week sucked a lot. seemed like it was one thing after another and i was really glad when friday rolled in. kicked back a few beers and tried to forget about the week.

i dont know if it was the stress or the beers or both but saturday i woke up to a flooded diaper that leaked a little. kept thinking about the file as i cleaned up and ended up listening to it twice.

rest of the day was fine. listened to the file again at night and put on my diaper afterwards. wasnt tired yet so watched some tv and had only 1 beer.

wet again in my sleep but didnt leak. did the same thing that night but didn't drink. woke up dry this morning.

so looks like beer makes me a bedwetting baby.


- iamli3

wouldn't beer do that to anyone though -.-? and isn't all just in the fact of drinking liquid right before bed? and well fine stop replying to me then jerk face -.- ......

- where2go

if it only takes a beer or 2 or 3 to wet the bed, then everyone over 21 would be a bedwetter.

i didn't respond because i was having a busy and stressful week. sorry but not real sure what you are talking about in your journal. do you just want to be in trance and nothing else?

- iamli3

hmm well when you put itthat way.....oh wait no thats right , if that were the scenrio they wouldhave to go mid nightbut they would just get upand piss in the toilet right? where's you have been training yourself not to wake up for that , does that make sense?..... and no i do want some things from this evil practies (im pretty sure i said what te main one was at some point in my jounal , but in order to get this shit to work you need to understand what this whole "trance" bs is all about , and so for i've had 0.01% of anything that could be even close to the filed of success in this , so fuck hypnosis for being so god danm impossible.........

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