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Hurting nipples

by Bonnie

Oh my nipples are so sore since I started the breast pumping. I have a call into the doctors office to see if they can do anything to help. Sports bra with nursing pads help some but god don't touch my nipples at all. Since starting on hormones I just love to feel my breast but it's nothing but look at them the past few days. I sure hope there is something the doctor can do for some of the pain. But I will do what has to be done to have breast. I want BOOB's and big ones at that!


- jodysub

That is why I recomended breast sheilds before. Think of little hubcaps. They sit over the nipples and protect them. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000058DPN/qid=1118094634/br=1-7/ref=br_lf_ba_7//104-2021623-3625518?v=glance&s=baby&n=542296 Hope the link stays together. You are talking about $15 at babies r us. As soon as you said you were going to pump them I knew you would want to look at this. Of course you could try to find someone to kiss them and make them all better LOL. Hugs Kim Lynn

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