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where2go's Recent Entries


by where2go

forgot to post these last few days but i dont think much has changed.

been pretty busy so not listening to the file as much as i used to. might have even gone a whole day or two without it. also havent been thinking about hypnosis or anything that turns me on much. this happens once in a while whre for no good reason i dont get horny.

still waking up wet if i drank a few the night before. and on other nights waking up long enough to piss in my pampers before falling right back asleep.

did notice the other day that i put on my pampers sooner. used to wait right until got into bed, but now i change maybe an hour before bedtime. guess i cant wait to go to sleep! think i will put one on now.


- iamli3

hmm i believe you posted this an hour before im making my comment here , since the time is displyed in the poster's time zone and not the readers , cause it says you made this post at 8:30 when my time im wrighting this at 7:25 , so that means your 2 hours off my regulare time zone and not the usual 3 for from pecific standard to....the other side of north america w/e that time zone is called :P and uh what else was i gonna say oh ya so if you said your now diapering yourself (stupid semi erection stay down >_> , lol......) 1 hour before you sleep and you said you were going to do so after this post which was made at 8:30 , you go to bed at 9:30? that's quite early o.o........

- where2go

i stayed up and watched some tv but there have been nights when i have gone to bed at 930.

i see how you got the idea i was going to bed so soon. talking about this stuff makes me think about it more and since it was late enough i decided to go ahead and change. like now im thinking about my baby bedtime because im writing this.

- iamli3

heh , i only wish id go to bed as early as you do >_> ut my com has many many things for me to do and right now is the only time i have to do them :/ time to go get my futuristic submarine revenge on comodor sool in aqua nox >:D.....

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