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really good naptime.

by where2go

so i just had a great naptime.

i had been looking around online at different pictures of ladys in diapers and getting turned on. then saw some guys in baby gear and that got me thinking about my file. so i put that on loop while i kept looking at pics.

all this diaper and baby stuff going on in front of me and in my head and getting really turned on. i put on my pampers and went back to looking at all the pics.

ended up rubbing one off in my pampers and it was awesome! i felt sleepy so i grabbed my paci and took a nap.

just woke up and im wet. need to change my pampers but wanted to type this up first. kind of want to put on another but i need to run some errands. at least i can look forward to bedtime.


- iamli3

ya? funny you should mention this today cause i was trying to take naps all day today at work (stayed up extra late last night and was more than dead tired >_>) and so you haven't done that yet eh? ummm i don't really see much else i can say about this post sides good for ya?.... also hah i told you so , remember what i said a couple weeks ago in your earlier journal entries? im always right.....

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