JDziewaltowski's Recent EntriesTrying something new!by JDziewaltowskiI am seriously the most weak, thin, wimpy little string-bean you could possibly imagine, and I'm thoroughly SICK of it! I want to be fit, muscular, confident, toned, defined, and just plain sexy.
SO, I've decided to start working out. Right now, just at my house with the equipment my parents have acquired over the years. We have alot actually.
So you might be wondering, what does this have to do with Warp My Mind?
Well, I'll be using a number of files on this site, like:
Athlete In You, Be Fit, Muscle Mass, and some of the "jock" files also. I already started tonight by listening to "Curse To Be Musclular [GJ Mix]" by EMG And I got through 11mins before my body gave out on me. I did get a decent workout though considering I'm 5'8" and 115 pounds of skin and bone.
If you'd like to see my body as of now, you can go to [url]www.justguys.net/JDziewaltowski[/url] and see my pics. I will update pics every month to show progress!