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geektohotjock's Recent Entries

BFL Day 3

by geektohotjock

I apologize for being away. I had some personal things to attend to. So, i'm on Body For Life Day 3 (BFL). I'm sure you all have heard of it. It's been insanely popular over the past decade, offering transformations to millions of people. I've done extremely well with this so far. I think the biggest issue for me is going to be eating habits. I'm trying to gain some serious weight and I had piss poor eating habits before. It's all about the planning. I even bought a journal that I write in every day to keep track of my plans. It makes it a million times easier. I've started taking creatine 4 times a day. I'm in the "loading phase" as us jocks call it. LOL I've got 3 more days of loading and then it's on to the "maintenance phase". I haven't noticed any changes yet from taking it, but it's only Day 3. Patience! :) I'm still listening to TTJ4. I don't want to be a dumb jock, just a gay jock. I listen twice a day. I don't notice it helps much. Maybe it's a file that takes a while to sink in. I broke up with my boyfriend a little over a week ago. Ah, things happen. Wish me luck on this journey. My goal is to gain at least 15 pounds of muscle by the end of the year. Then I'll still only be like 140. :( geektohotjock


- rugbyjockca

Hey welcome back and good luck. The road to jockdom has its ups and downs, but if you stay dedicated, I'm sure you'll get there.

- ck

Even your user name is appealing, geek to jock. That type of transformation is definitely appealing. Did you start with the TTJ1 file, and build up? You only said that you listened to TTJ4. I've dissected all the files, and they seem to build upon one another. Good luck in your desires.

- pornjock

Hey buddy good work on your progress, Im using jock files myself (TTJ4 and some bodybuilding ones) and been having great success. I been finding thought that most of the files want to dumb us down, something Im not up for. However I have een finding the attitude changes awesome. I have started dressing more like a Jock acting likea jock I in the gym everyday lifting weights and everytime i do i feel amazing. I have also seen serious changes in my bod. Went up 10kg of lean muscle in 3 months and growing my bod fat is about 7%. I have also become a personal trainer and Im going full time with it so i can just stay in the gym (sweet as). I love this new me! Looking forward to what I will look like in a year of this cause man Im totally hooked, working out gets me so horned after workouts lol and I have never fukd so much in my life and i swear that my cock and balls have grown 2 lol, anyways its good to hear someone else is doing it 2 buddy keep it up

- pornjock

oh yeah dude creatine ethyl ester is way better than monohydrate switch to it, no loading phase and better gains short and long term. peace out

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