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dombbum's Recent Entries

feeling great

by dombbum

i am feeling great i cleaned out a lot of trash that was in my mind and then i hypnotized myself created a post-hypno suggestion that turns me into a robot and i folllow a set of orders i wrote down before the trigger. it works and I feel so good about it. i will try some other things like making the robot a super learner and i will know all the robot knows. hope it works!!!


- iamli3

you did all that by yourself -.o???......

- dombbum

yes i did. wasn't too hard. i have been deepening my self-hypno trances and i finally got to the point where i could make post-hypno suggestions stick. i do it about one every 3 days to reinforce the command.

- iamli3

well that's pretty a-fucking-maising from someone at my standing point , doesn't help with that repercussion much though......

- dombbum

right now i am trying to add to the robot command so that everything i learn as the robot i will know as myself. such as speaking another language, learning kung fu or any other thing. I will post my progress

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