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Interesting one

by demigraff

Last night was fun.

I've been using Pacifier Induction 3 for a while, and that's supposed to let you go into trance just by sucking on a pacifier. I also used NeoFocus induction, and let my wife follow it with her own set of suggestions.

I remember waking up suddenly, as if startled, I'm not too sure why. But it was only a couple of seconds and then the world went away; I could just make out Heather's voice, and with a little effort I can remember the suggestions after that point. Nothing before, though, so I'm not sure if the little wake-up was at the end of the file (its one with an optional "wake up if you want to" suggestion at the end), or if I missed part of the suggestions. and if there are some words I don't remember, I still wonder if they'll be stuck in my mind somewhere, or if they'll still do anything.

Anyone know anything about this stuff?


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