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gwyn's Recent Entries

A strange dream

by gwyn

Last night I had a dream I fell in love with a powerful hypnotist. My mother didn't approve, but he wanted me, and though I kept trying to do what I thought was right and leave him, I craved the way he made me feel and kept coming back for more. A friend, who was also involved with the same man, got angry about something and yelled at him enough to make him mad. He expressed his rage powerfully by putting her into trance and breaking her down, making her even more his. I felt jealous of the attention he gave her.


- Heartwould

Interesting... Have you been using any of the files here?

- iamli3

oh fuck i would probably kill myself if i had a dream like that o.o'"...... i think the only dream related to this subject that i ever had was where i...now how did that go again? hold on let me check my save file.....for the sake of it i'll just say "engaged in mortal combat" with emg but god danm , i always knew my dreams were bat shit crazy to the max , tell me what kind of things happened up to a week before you had this dream that could have caused such a scenario?.....

- gwyn

Yeah, I've been using a whole lot of different files for like a week now... Kill myself? I loved the dream.

- darkenedav

Cool dream :) on the subject {see who gets the reference fastest} The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.

- iamli3

oh geez that does ring a bell i know i've herd that before , but i can never remember the origin of anything i know......

- Isegal

Gary Jules - Mad World

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