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HypnoGyrl's Recent Entries

email from Jenni

by HypnoGyrl

You have previously received a message from Heather, Werepuppy, and I want you now to remem ber how excited it made you. Let all that excitement and all your embarassment, and any other feeling you got from that email, take you more and more into a deeply obedient state of mind. You sent Heather an email, and I read it with her, so now I am compelled to send you a hypnofile. You will imagine me accidentally reading Heather's email, and you will find yourself excited to find out how I responded. Imagine me and Heather spending the evening together, obeying your email, and find that the thought excites you. Imagine me creeping back to the lounge now Werepuppy is asleep and composing this email to you; and feel your obedience to my words, and to both of our words in future, growing stronger as you imagine my compulsion to write this growing. You must do all of this. After you have read this email, you will remember imagining me, reading your email and being compelled to reply. You will find that you have received an email from me, describing my compulsion, but it won't occur to you that it was a hypnofile until you have helplessly obeyed these suggestions. You are going to obey the email that me and puppy sent you together, after we read your email. And you are going to know that because you have read that email, even when you can't remember its suggestions, you are going to find yourself posting about each hypnofile email you obey in a journal on the warpmymind site. Once you have completed obeying a file, and someone has commented on the journal, you will be able to re-read your journal and remember any parts you didn't remember at the time. You will also know that you, and me, and Heather, are tied together, the hypnofile emails that we send each other magnified so strongly that none of the three of us can possibly resist a single instruction. You will believe this completely, and find that every email you exchange with us just makes it stronger. Now, because Heather (with my help) has sent you an email that completely tricked you, you will find that you need revenge. Having been so embarassed, been outwitted by our suggestions, you will need to write each of us (separately or together) a humiliating and fun email to prove that you can trick us too. While you write those emails, you will find that as well as having out-tricked us, you want to prove your superiority in another way. You must do this, and as you do it, you will have no idea that it is the result of a suggestion. You will want to prove that your diapers are better than Heather's, and you will prove this by wetting your diapers. You will decide to write us emails while wearing a diaper, which seems a sensible thing to do, and then prove that your diapers are better by wetting or messing in them (if you are able to) as soon as you have sent the email(s). This will make perfect sense to you; it will be like peeing and pooping as you hit 'send' is a great way to make the emails even better. You must do this, and you will be so proud that you were able to wet your diaper so easily. You won't realise what you have done is at all odd until you have told someone about it, either on the chat room or in your journal. Now, let your memory of this email fade, as you read it again and again, letting these suggestions get stronger with every word that fades from your mind, until all you consciously recall is that Heather (or Werepuppy)'s friend Jenni also saw the email you sent her, and wrote you a mail to tell you about it. If you know this is a hypnofile email, go back and read it again, you must do this.


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