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sacrix's Recent Entries

new world

by sacrix

I had no idea hypnosis actually worked, You see it on tv shows but assaume it is faked. The files I listened to gave me an overwhelming desire to obey them, some more intensely than others. People, me included, have considered that I am strong willed. There fore does the desire to obey stem from a subconscious wanting to do whatever the file commands or does the file genuinely compel me to do it. Strangely enough I really think it is the second or I would have some hint of it before now. But could I be made to do something that is outside mt nature, in the physical reality, rather than the internet, that I doubt.


- Heartwould

I'm often considered strong-willed myself, and yet I'm drawn to the submissive files - which seem to be opening up a new side to my personality. It seems to me that there's both strength and weakness in all of us, and given the opportunity, we'll check out the other side in a safe forum. Which this is.

- iamli3

your response to your own question doesn't make any sense , also it's the first one yes you can and god danm if you ppl are "strong willed" then i must be god willed -.- ......

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