Loving meby BonnieOh Im so happy with my new self even if my breast and nipples are sore from pumping. The hormones have me on such a fast tack into womanhood that I am finding out new and wonderful things about being female. My monthly menstrual cycle are something else. Of course no blood flow but the feelings are real the discomfort the bloating and just the feeling that I am getting one step closer to my real dream of becoming a total woman. I love this life of Bonnie and would not change for nothing cause I am who I was ment to be Bonnie the woman of my dreams and I must not forget my moms daugther her joy of this new life of mine and hers. She is still wanting me to become a slut like her but I just don't know perhaps after I get my implants and my srs I will go for it. I feel in order to be be a real good woman slut I need to be total woman and IM just not there yet but each and ever day I come closer to my dreams and needs.