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istealyourchange's Recent Entries

A few favorite things...

by istealyourchange

question for readers, or you. What is your most Favorite file to listen to? or, the one you cannot get enough of? and, what were the results? :3


- Heartwould

Two of my favourites are SlutinmyHead's Neural Remapping and Boffa's Delicious Cum Subliminal. The results? Hee hee, read my journal entry!

- iamli3

i haven't listened to too many files , but favorite and can't get enough of? nothing from here that's for sure , i like mega man and can't get enough of DKC lol......

- sfhole2stretch

Curse Tattooed. I started listening to this one a few years ago. Am now 60% covered and want more. I still listen for a few days before every tattoo appointment. It makes me manic and I enjoy the sittings totally.

- Heartwould

How long did it take the files to work for me? Mmmm, my pleasure in sucking cock was pretty quick to arrive. It took about three months before I was ready to start swallowing, though. The first time I did, I felt sooo proud of myself, like I had won an award or something. *shakes head*

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