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hey every one

by MYTY90

hey all im back for now...So i want every one to do me a favor im looking for files to listen to. i would like for every one to recomend one...i dont do scat or incontenace or fur...any thing else is cool so post in the comments or pm me and what ever file i get most suggestions for i will post the top three and yall let me know which one to listen to. and i will update my progress in my journal k? so suggest away yall ;-)


- MindManipulator

listen to LivingNaked

- meganox123

How about Curse Supper Female Wammy.

- Route42

If you're looking for fem files, I've got a few recommendations. Most of the files on the site (that are free/premium) are basically trash if you're looking for physical change. Many of them probably work fine if you just want to believe you're changing... but if you want physical change (which many people argue is still impossible, though I remain neutral on the idea), then the three files I recommend are thus: Curse Breast Growth (there is a male and a female version... I always used the male version since technically I have a dick, even if I was considering myself more female. Not sure what the wording is like on the female file, but it would probably work, too, so use which you think you'll trance with better.) Female Hormone Change (My philosophy is that since hormones are controlled by the brain, and the brain is what hypnosis affects, this would have a better chance of working than a file encouraging huge ta-tas in an unrealistic period of time.) Suggestive Feminization (Probably not a file that works well by itself, however, I found it worked very well when combined with either or both of the above mentioned files. Some of the wording isn't quite my cup-o-tea, but there is definitely some good content here.)

- Route42

Err, I got the name of the second file wrong. It is actually Train Hormone Change. Sorry about that!

- slutinmyhead

I'd love to recommend any of my files. Since you're obviously someone who gives feedback about the changes you experience, I can happily offer any of my pay files free to you in exchange for that info. I am always glad to help.

- MYTY90

@slutinmyhead I'd like to try that sounds like a fair traid to me

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