werepuppy's Recent Entriesold old journal blog part 2by werepuppy
Log from #warpmymind, 2010-Nov-15
[19:44] < drum> I think im confusing 2 angels :p
[19:44] < Werepuppy> hes english i think i nearly met him at an anime con this year
[19:45] < Werepuppy> used to be MisterAngel on here or slain Angel now hes Mind Writer
[19:45] < Werepuppy> heh that file still works too
[19:46] < Werepuppy> i cant forget to caps his name even how bad my spelling gets
[19:46] -!- nopple [Mibbit@wishes-AF5C6E8A.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has quit [Quit: ]
[19:47] < Werepuppy> im betting hes written this file i got today
[19:47] < HypnoGyrl> oh, mind writer, i've seen him on a few times
[19:47] < Werepuppy> nobody else could make me pee my pants at work my subconscience would just ignore the hole thing
[19:48] < Werepuppy> and i know its gonna happen but i know already i wont be able to stop it
[19:48] < Werepuppy> so excited
[19:49] < HypnoGyrl> hehe....sounds exciting to me, not sure i'd actually be able to go through with it myself though...
[19:49] < HypnoGyrl> of course, i don't actually work right now, but at school would be the same concept
[19:50] < Werepuppy> i thought about going to the ladies regular but i cant cheat i just cant do it so evry time i try i just get a cup of water from the cooler so nobody asks why im getting up
[19:50] < Werepuppy> and that makes it worse too
[19:50] < HypnoGyrl> hehehe
[19:50] < HypnoGyrl> wow
[19:50] < Werepuppy> have you seen in my journal the things hes done?
[19:51] < Werepuppy> if you want more practise i can send you fwd coppies of some of the old ones ^.^
[19:51] < HypnoGyrl> i read your journal back the first time i was on here, back in...june?
[19:51] < HypnoGyrl> nothing since then though
[19:51] < Werepuppy> cool ^_^
[19:52] < Werepuppy> He writes really good ones that makes the email slave file even stronger but makes it safe too so nobody can steal you or collar without asking
[19:52] -!- smokeslavecd [Mibbit@wishes-302012A.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has quit [Quit: ]
[19:52] < Werepuppy> i had a few make me pee at the office but always so id be able to cover it up
[19:53] < HypnoGyrl> sounds like he's pretty good at it, if what you are describing is really him
[19:53] < Werepuppy> like making me wear nappies or some thing or just thinking i had an accident
[19:53] < HypnoGyrl> i've done that...the "just thinking" part i mean
[19:54] < HypnoGyrl> noone's made me wear a diaper out of the house yet...
[19:54] < Werepuppy> but i really need to go and in an hour or something im gonna have an accident and all i can do it have a little cup of water every time i try to go
[19:55] < HypnoGyrl> sounds very tricky :p
[19:55] < Werepuppy> i tried putting one on before, but then i peed in it when i went to change
[19:56] < Werepuppy> i really dont want anything to happen now because everybody would know
[19:58] < Werepuppy> maybe i could try putting one on again but that might be cheating i dont know if im alloud
[19:59] * HypnoGyrl giggles
[20:00] < HypnoGyrl> I'd try it :p
[20:00] < Werepuppy> like maybe it made me wet myself as a punishment for putting a pull up on when im not supposed to becos it might spoil the hypno file
[20:01] < Werepuppy> so if i try it id just be putting off the real effect
[20:01] < Werepuppy> or if i would of lost control then wether i was wearing one or not
[20:01] < Werepuppy> just cant figger out what the ""trigger"" is
[20:02] < Werepuppy> you think i should put one on?
[20:02] < Werepuppy> oh god i cant believe how nervous it makes me feel
[20:03] < Werepuppy> i only did it less than an hour ago and i need to go again already
[20:04] < Werepuppy> i dont want to have to wait longer for the real effect
[20:04] < Werepuppy> im so looking forward to it im parcticly shaking here
[20:05] < Werepuppy> but i dont wanna have an accident in front of jenni or corinne
[20:05] < Werepuppy> dont know what to do
[20:06] < HypnoGyrl> If it was me i'd go put a diaper on
[20:08] < Werepuppy> good idea i really should of thought of that my self
[20:08] < Werepuppy> just hope im allowed to go into the restroom to do that
[20:09] < Werepuppy> your a nice gyrl ^.^ id love to be youre freind
[20:09] < HypnoGyrl> ty :)
[20:10] < Werepuppy> Cor is standing by the door now
[20:10] < Werepuppy> i gotta wait for her to go before i can get one out of my desk without her seeing
[20:10] < Werepuppy> pacing wwhen shes on the phone
[20:13] < Werepuppy> im putting on weight too
[20:14] < Werepuppy> not sure these pull ups will keep on fitting long
[20:14] < Werepuppy> u know if theres any others to get that are bigger?
[20:14] < Werepuppy> ah finally
[20:15] < Werepuppy> brb talk more when im safe from unxpected embarasment
[20:38] -!- KingMahou [MAHOUSSIVE@C733C40F.62E603E9.6714A9D1.IP] has joined #warpmymind
[20:39] <%KingMahou> Wicky wicky wicky
[20:39] < HypnoGyrl> hi KingMahou
[20:39] <%KingMahou> hey HypnoGyrl, how you doing?
[20:42] < Werepuppy> hi kingmahou
[20:42] <%KingMahou> hey Werepuppy, how are you?
[20:42] < Werepuppy> heh hypnogyrl you knew that was gonna happen didnt you
[20:43] < HypnoGyrl> i'm good
[20:43] < Werepuppy> ive been panicking so nervous but it makes me excited too at work late an knowing im gonna wet myself
[20:43] < HypnoGyrl> ok, i admit it...yes :p
[20:43] < HypnoGyrl> i knew
[20:43] < Werepuppy> i went to put a diaper on just in case
[20:44] < Werepuppy> then as im pulling my pants off i heard a giggle and realised i forgot to shut the bathroom door and jen can see me
[20:44] < Werepuppy> and shes staring i look down and realise i already got one on
[20:45] < Werepuppy> i did it before went to the loo and put a diaper on just the same reason
[20:45] < Werepuppy> and i completely forgot
[20:45] * HypnoGyrl giggles
[20:45] <%KingMahou> hehehehe
[20:45] < Werepuppy> and you got me to go and try it again
[20:46] < HypnoGyrl> what happened then?
[20:46] < Werepuppy> and i was so god dam embarased
[20:46] < Werepuppy> she can see me in the middle of work with a kids pull-up on
[20:46] < Werepuppy> i blushed so much i felt like im on fire
[20:47] < Werepuppy> and its so embarasing it just made me so exited i peed in my diaper right there
[20:47] < Werepuppy> couldnt help myself
[20:48] < HypnoGyrl> while she was watching? wow
[20:48] -!- Rakurai [irchon@wishes-CC0422E5.cm-7-4a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #warpmymind
[20:48] < Werepuppy> i just slammed the door and hid for ten minutes
[20:48] < HypnoGyrl> hi RulesBot
[20:48] < HypnoGyrl> oops
[20:48] < HypnoGyrl> hi Rakurai*
[20:48] < HypnoGyrl> hate when i do that
[20:48] < Werepuppy> put a clean one on just in case i get that excited again later
[20:48] -!- TriggerGril [Mibbit@wishes-F8412F8C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #warpmymind
[20:49] < TriggerGril> !i agree
[20:49] <+RulesBot> TriggerGril: Thanks for agreeing to the rules!
[20:49] -!- Rakurai [irchon@wishes-CC0422E5.cm-7-4a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Client exited]
[20:49] < TriggerGril> hi everybody
[20:49] -!- Rakurai [irchon@wishes-CC0422E5.cm-7-4a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #warpmymind
[20:49] < TriggerGril> does anybody of you know a other hypnosis channel
[20:49] < HypnoGyrl> hi TriggerGril
[20:49] < Rakurai> woof
[20:49] < HypnoGyrl> wb Rakurai
[20:49] <%KingMahou> looks like we have ourselves a triggerable grill...
[20:49] < TriggerGril> hi HypnoGyrl
[20:49] < Werepuppy> shes read my journal by yhe so she knows whats up but she wont tell me
[20:49] < Werepuppy> i guess you gotta know too
[20:49] < TriggerGril> Can we got privat HypnoGyrl
[20:50] < Werepuppy> did you write that one
[20:50] < HypnoGyrl> we can, but i'm kinda busy in another window working on an assignment, so i really don't have time to play much
[20:50] < Werepuppy> your mean O.O i love it tho
[20:50] < HypnoGyrl> i didn't write it
[20:50] < HypnoGyrl> but when you started talking about it i read your journal :)
[20:50] -!- Rakurai [irchon@wishes-CC0422E5.cm-7-4a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Client exited]
[20:51] < Werepuppy> can you at least tell me what it does
[20:51] < Werepuppy> im scared itll make me
[20:51] < HypnoGyrl> that would spoil the surprise :p
[20:51] < Werepuppy> you know
[20:51] < Werepuppy> embarass myself again
[20:51] < Werepuppy> dont want that to happen now im not
[20:51] < Werepuppy> prepared
[20:51] < Werepuppy> *blush*
[20:51] < Werepuppy> u know what i mean
[20:52] < HypnoGyrl> i think so
[20:52] < Werepuppy> your all meanies :D
[20:52] < Werepuppy> thankyou <3
[20:52] -!- rakurai [IceChat7@wishes-CC0422E5.cm-7-4a.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #warpmymind
[20:52] < Werepuppy> oh finally we got work to do
[20:53] < Werepuppy> weg
[20:53] < Werepuppy> okay gotta go see you round
[20:53] < rakurai> argh my internet is glitching
[20:54] < Werepuppy> pls drop me a message or sometthing your good at this i want to talk to you more
[20:54] < Werepuppy> maybe share files some day i wanna be the one who knows for a change
[20:54] < Werepuppy> thx
[20:55] < HypnoGyrl> sure
[20:56] <%KingMahou> have fun Werepuppy
[20:57] < TriggerGril> who likes Triggers too ?
well as well as just chatting online i was talking more to jenn she saw what site i was on and said dont i do that any more. i said ive not doneeail slave for a long time cos i got no inter net now and i cant do it at work so she said if i wanna try more i can use her laptop. so we went round to her house after the order was all done and celebrated all the extra money wed get by having a curry and bottle of bubbly and after a couple glasses i was on chat again said were both gonna listen the email slave file then check if any body wants to send us both an email. and after we listended we had a new email its great ^_^ just like magic
Email from Erin
You MUST DO the following:
You will find that once you close this email, you will feel a compulsion.
This growing compulsion will make you want to write me an email slave
hypnofile. You will draw on your past experiences and your own secret
fantasies to create the experience that is the most embarrassing you can
possibly make it without being too public. You will make sure it is not
anything illegal or dangerous, and subconsciously, you will make sure it is
something you are willing, at least on some level, to do. Even though you
will be willing to do it, you will know that you will find something that is
right at the line, something humiliating and degrading, or disgusting, or
all three. When you are done, you will send it to me with the subject "This
is your new hypnofile". If you want it to include forgetting the commands,
you will include MUST DO in your email. However, when you type in my email
address (hypnogyrl@gmail.com), you will accidentally add your own as well,
and won't notice until after you've hit send.
You will not be able to prevent the email from arriving, and when it comes,
you will read it immediately if possible if you are somewhere private, and
obey it's commands. If you cannot read it yet, you will read it at the first
opportunity. You will know you did this to yourself, but that will only make
you want to obey it more.
If this is your first or second time to read this email, read it again and
let it sink into your subconscious, even as it fades from your conscious
You MUST DO this.
i wanted to find out what it did cos i know jenn was giggling loads after we read it but i decided were gonna send one back first. i didnt recognize the name on the email but jenn said she thinks its hypnogyrl off of the chat so we got together and tried to write her and email slave hypnofile wile we wait to see what shes done.
Email from Werepuppy
This is your new hypnofile.
You might have found yourself already imagining what file I might have
sent you. You know that as long as the compulsion to send you this mail
has been growing, your own mind has been expecting it and preparing to
obey it completely. Imagine yourself expecting this email, and because you
know its coming, your mind starting to sink into trance already so that
you can't resist this at all. Imagine yourself going into trance as you
read this email, and finding it as strong as any post hypnotic suggestion
you ever got. You MUST DO this, and let the email slave file get even
When you've read this email, you will know you got an email from me and
you'll know that you want to tell other people about it in your journal or
blog so they can enjoy teasing you like you teased me earlier. You won't
be able to remember what suggestions I've given you, but you will start
writing that journal anyway. As you write, you will find yourself getting
distracted into writing something a bit different, or maybe you won't even
notice that what you're writing isn't about this email file. Instead of
writing about the suggestion you are obeying, you will find yourself
writing about diapers. You will talk about each type of diaper or nappy
you have tried, and write a description of each. You will describe the
pattern, and if they fit you, and whether or not you like them; all the
pros and cons. And once you have started, you will feel a growing
compulsion to finish writing the diaper reviews even if you have to do it
in more than one journal post. You will provide as much information as you
can about the diapers you use.
Then you will find that as you write this message, you'll get more and
more excited about obeying this file. You will know you're looking forward
to obeying this email even though you don't know what it will do, and you
will be sure that everyone else can see it in your journal whether you
wrote about it or not.
Because of this, you will find yourself getting so excited for the rest of
the day. Imagine how a little girl feels waiting for christmas, or
whatever else you might be excited looking forward to. You must feel like
this for the rest of the day, getting more and more excited about
everything that happens every time you think of something you might be
compelled to do. And all that time, that excitement will make you so much
more suggestible to every email slave hypnofile that we send you in
Now if you haven't done so already, go and copy this email into your
journal, letting it grow stronger and stronger with every word as it fades
from your conscious memory. You must do this, and read this email again
until you cannot resist any part of it.