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xavious' Recent Entries

First Entry - Introduction

by xavious

Well I decided to start making a journal which I will keep updated as much as I can.

I have had a long time interest in hypnosis, especially since I first watch the children's TV show "The Demon Headmaster".

Now I have had on and off experience with hypnosis over the last five years or so, but my attempts to go under have never been... successful. With actual people or files.

I don't go under easily as I find it hard to trust and I have a very active and analytical mind.

I have enjoyed being a tist for people and controlling people and watching them go under, their eyes glaze and playing around with fantasies is fun, but I have never been 'ruthless' enough to be a very dominant tist.

Because I still have a passion to be a sub to some level I have decided to start listening to some choice files and see where things go.

A lot of the time I enjoy just letting them play in the background, but I have begun to notice that as I listen more I AM, or at least seem to, be trancing out more than I ever used to.

The following are my favourite tists at the moment:

Jekket Sarnoga dldrip slutinmyhead

Who all have amazingly sexy American accents which hit my ears in just the right way. I like them all for various different reasons and some I like better than others for more reasons still.

My favourite files, or the files I am currently trying at the moment are:

Jekket - Be Dumb Sarnoga - Masturbation Castration dldrip - Rock Hard In The Shower (and some others) slutinmyhead - Various

Jekket - Be Dumb

I have always been interested in the whole 'dumb jock' idea, but never sure how far I want to take it. I love the way Jekket styled this file and also his voice and accent while he speaks. I am not so keen on EMG's voice so it's nice to find one that is reasonably effective.

Sarnoga - Masturbation Castration

Oddly enough I'm actually not interested in losing my balls, but somehow Sarnoga just makes the fantasy sound so sexy and amazing. Hearing him describe it is like audio porn and I'd love it if he could do a reverse file where he makes you feel like you are going through puberty again, starting off feeling horny like a 13 year old and then working up to 18, going through a second puberty and getting hornier and a bigger dick and balls as you go.

dldrip - Rock Hard In The Shower (and some others)

So young; so sexy. This file alone is fantastic as are many of his other ones. I could listen to that accent all day.

slutinmyhead - Various

My main gripe with slutinmyhead is that he can often 'slur' his words making them a little hard to follow. Otherwise I love his voice and accent and many of his files are fun and interesting to listen to.

I also have a thing for the idea of becoming more 'American'. This is a VERY odd one, I understand that, but for some reason cultural changes like this really do intrigue me. As an English person you'd be surprised how sexy saying simple words like 'pants' can be, the context that they are used in and also the differences in our cultures.

I have begun to make a potential 'Be American' script to maybe help me on my way to sounding and acting more like my idea American. In the meantime I tried creating a short file using my own voice which I can loop in the background. I hate my own voice though and feel like a file such as this would work even better especially if it were spoken by an actual American so that I could try to copy his voice.

I can accept if this is either impossible or ineffective, but it's always fun to try.

Also the paragraph tags don't see to work. Can anyone give me a hand? I'm not writing in this annoying way on purpose!


- Heartwould

Hi, Welcome to the active part of the site! And, sorry, I can't seem to get any paragraphs in my entries, either. Heartwould

- VeryGnawty

There is a method to create paragraphs, but I don't remember how.

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