I know you like these files and I need somebody else to practise on while my Heather is away and having fun. So let yourself read the message and find yourself sinking into trance. You're already posting the emails that people send you on your blog, and you are finding that that makes you obey them even more easily. and now you are going to find that it gets even easier. Because you are going to take your time over those posts. After you have read a new hypnofile email, or the next time you have the chance to do it without being caught, you will go to post it on your journal. You will read the first part of the email again and find it sinking even more deeply into your mind, until it is completely irresistable as long as it fits in with your limits. But once you have read that first suggestion, you will copy it into your journal, and that will make it even more stronger.
You will read it once more, in your journal, and feel the suggestions gaining more power over you. Then you will forget the content of that part, sinking down into your deep unconscious memory that remembers everything, if it contains the instruction "must do".
Then you will go back to the email, and read it and copy it and read it again in the same way. Once you have started, it will be so natural just to carry on, reading each suggestion and copying it into your journal bit by bit.
Then once you have finished copying the hypnofile email, you will write a little comment about how it makes you feel to know you are going to do those things. Maybe your subconscious mind will allow you to write about how you anticipate even the "must do" suggestions, before you post the message and it fades from your conscious memory as you know it must do.
But after you have obeyed a suggestion, you will find that you feel proud of having obeyed so well. You will feel good at having completed an email, and you will want to comment or write a new journal post to let everyone know how well you obeyed and how it felt. After all, it feels good to show off your hypnotisability in front of people who know and understand this fetish.
So now go and copy out this email, and find it getting stronger in your mind with each little part that you read, and copy, and read.
I hope you enjoyed this little hypnofile, and you will let me know how it made you feel.
I am excited about posting my feelings and responses to emails on my journal. Many times I've considered doing so on my own, but i could never work up the nerve to announce my embarassment again after it had already happened. I think i will enjoy this file.