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HypnoGyrl's Recent Entries

Email from sarah

by HypnoGyrl

From now on, each time someone who has ever used a hypnotic trigger on you or even knows about your triggers says the phrase "Good Girl" you will respond with "I will obey my master" or "I will obey my mistress" depending on their gender. Each time you do, you will feel a strong twinge of pleasure in your pussy. This will only happen when you feel it is safe.

The Idea of helplessly admitting my lack of control every time i'm called a good girl is exciting and arousing to me, and i think it will only become more so as i repeatedly experience this pleasure.


- darkenedav

hopefully someone will trigger you to write a journal entry about how your recent experiences have felt :)

- dechha1981

I am SO looking foreward to useing this on her.

- dechha1981

I am SO looking foreward to useing this on her.

- HypnoGyrl

Obeying this file makes me feel so good. I feel so helpless when i can't stop the respond, and the pleasure i get from it is so nice, and admitting my helplessness is exciting and embarrassing.

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