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HypnoGyrl's Recent Entries

Email from Gojan

by HypnoGyrl

You MUST DO this:

From now on, you have two new triggers.

If you judge it to be safe, and no more than once per hour, Whenever you hear or see the word "fap", it will echo through your mind. You will hear it repeating over and over and each time it echoes in your mind your clit will swell and expand, until after less than a minute you have an 8 inch cock. At this point you will be completely unable to resist the impulse that has taken over your mind, and will begin to repeat the word that is echoing inside your head over and over. If you are repeating it in chat, you may use copy and paste if you wish, but you will helplessly repeat the word, and each time you do, you will stroke your new cock, until after a minute, you cum strongly all over yourself.

If you judge it to be safe, and no more than once per hour, Whenever you hear or see the word "hump", it will echo through your mind. You will hear it repeating over and over and each time it echoes in your mind you will feel a cock growing up into your pussy, until after less than a minute you have an 8 inch cock inside you. At this point you will be completely unable to resist the impulse that has taken over your mind, and will begin to repeat the word that is echoing inside your head over and over. If you are repeating it in chat, you may use copy and paste if you wish, but you will helplessly repeat the word, and each time you do, you will hump the cock inside you, until after a minute, you cum strongly.

I am interested to see just how i react to these suggestions, i imagine it will be an arousing and/or comical sight for anyone who witnesses it, and a humiliating and arousing one for me.


- darkenedav

so? how'd it go?

- HypnoGyrl

Obeying this file has been one of the most intense experiences i've ever had. The trigger word just consumes my thoughts, until i can't think, say, or do anything but that word...I can't even begin to try to fight it.

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