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Heartwould's Recent Entries


by Heartwould

Quiet day, and this is procrastination in action... Just sitting here fantasizing about how good a cock would feel sliding in and out of my mouth while I'm working. Or a cock sliding in and out of my mouth while He's working...


- mutatedbunnyboy

How did the direct approach go?

- Heartwould

Well enough! I'm making of point of asking both when I think it might be a positive response, and when I think it might be a negative one, so he feels himself more, um, decisive and commanding. So, there's more cocksucking happening and the longer goal of a more dominant man is being supported, too. :-)

- mutatedbunnyboy

Good stuff, you'll be on your knees sucking cock morning, noon and night at this rate =D I'm glad things are going so well for you.

- Heartwould

Hah! Wouldn't that be a dream come true? At least for one day, anyway. :-)

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