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slut_in_training's Recent Entries

Words, words words!

by slut_in_training

I'm finding it hard to work through and figure out if a file may be helpful or not. Personally, a big issue for me is what is said. As once noted by conservative talk-show host, Rush Limbaugh, "Words mean things." I'll find files that sound right, but then hit words that rub me the wrong way or don't fit with my gender. I also find that some files say too much. Short and simple repetition sounds better to me. If that will actually be useful, I don't yet know. But I do find that authors that jam too many concepts into a file do not allow for me to relax and sink into the suggestions being proffered. "You will do this, and this, and like that and don't do that and...." As in the rest of life a large to-do list is daunting and not easy to take all the suggestions in. Right now I'm messing around with a number of boffa's short, loop-able files. Some I think are worth it and others, meh. I'm also reviewing EMG's Evil series with Calimore's augmentations incorporating some of the subspace 15 project. I also have been listening to some Zapnosis files too. Right now I listen while awake and on my train commute, which is about an hour each way. I'm currently looking to see what stimulates me, entices me, has words I like and other sound effects that calm and center me. Make me want to accept a particular proposition. Once I have a few good recruits, I plan to set-up a plan to consistently listen and try out one or two things and then go from there. Also supplementing with positive reinforcement in my life. You don't learn form listening, but also by doing!


- iamli3

now there's a name i was hopping i wouldn't have to hear again.....

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