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dombbum's Recent Entries

getting great results

by dombbum

i have been doing a lot of self hypnosis and i must say i have gotten very far in a short time, i just don't want to hit a lull and get uninterested. i am losing weight without doing nothing at all and it is cool, and i am also getting bigger muscles without doing anything. i also created an android personality for myself to do chores i am to lazy to do. i make the list and then let the android do it all. i am trying to make it to where when i am the android, i see myself as an android and not a human. i want to see myself as metallic silver-skinned android with solid white eyes... do any have tips as to how i can see myself like that or how i can make me see myself like that?


- iamli3

"with solid white eyes" that would be f#$5ing scary''...... also no idea....

- dombbum

i can see my eyes got all white when i go android, bu it's only for a few seconds then it's back to regular i see the android body transformation too, but again only few a few seconds. i want to know if anyone knows how i can see it like i am looking at myself in the mirror?

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