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ParanoidLord's Recent Entries

Status Report - TrigSlowWomanChange

by ParanoidLord

It's working. Sort of. Mostly for pictures. I feel the transformations, to a degree - mostly the breasts and hair, and everything else to a lesser extent. If I don't concentrate, they slowly fade away. All halllucinations are tactile at this point - I am considering adding a visualization trainer or something, since my trance seems to be okay. Not sure what the exact timeframe is for the transformation. I initially thought it took about 10 minutes, but on a 20-30 minute scale, things seem more intense. Further adding to the confusion is a seeming echo of the transformation - various intensities, etc. For example, I might feel tingling in my legs about 5 minutes in, then feel it again 15 minutes later. More listening may help.


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