This day I didn't have much time to practice with inductions.
However I got some valuable lessons out of it.
After getting advice i tried to put it in practice,tried to follow the
recommendations and tried the recommended files/methods.
I thoroughly recommend
From ocntrl, and his youtube channel
How to listen to a file and hypnotic test files were
extremely useful for putting me on the right track.
Though , I must admit I have yet to see precise effects from any
files.But anyway its only been 3 days so far so patience is the key.
I want it to work, ,more, I want to experience how it would feel if it
He uses an example where your hand is supposed to stick to the table.
(same applies to any other suggestions like cardigans itching
foot for example)
I really focus on my hand being stuck, I have accidentally stuck my
fingers with glue more times than I would enjoy, so I know the feeling.
After a while he instructs you some times to semi
awake and try to lift it.
On a side note, I didn't get into trance, maybe that was why I'm not
seeing any results.Also the files depend on a trigger, that although
I listened to many times, still has no effect on me.Asl always :(
So , I really try to feel it ,I imagine it ,I focus on it to the point
that, if I didnt try to lift it and opened my eyes
I could have believed it really was stuck.
But then comes the dreaded tests, all of them from the first one to the
definitive at the end of the file before the awakener.
Eyes opened, hand lifted,no effort.Well I lie, I DO feel some
resistance but it doesn't come from the conviction that the hand is
glued, but rather from the fear that if I really try It will be lifted
easily and I will be very disappointed, and I don't want to feel that.
What keeps me from going into trance?
I don't know what but I certainly know how:
Do you know that feeling you have when you are extremely sleepy and
sitting down
, and sleep start overtaking you? For example after a night of studying
with no sleep.
Your head starts bobbing and you feel like falling(into sleep) but
then, all of a sudden, you get kicked back up by the feeling of your
head and your body dropping asleep towards the table, and
think "OKOK that was close, I must remain awake".
Well when I listen to inductions that's exactly the feeling I get.Was I
getting asleep?
I read some comments about trance today,I don't remember exactly who
said it(maybe it as a file or maybe some oppinions combined) or the
exact words but they can be
summarised as follows:
"Trance is like sleep, you don't 'try' to sleep, you know when its
supposed to happen and you set the environment so it happens, you LET
it happen but you don't actively try to sleep.If you do so, you end up
unable to fall asleep,the more you think about it the harder it becomes.
Same applies to trance, you just let it happen, because you know you
enjoy it .You don't seek it.
Given the circumstances the hypnotist helps you prepare you just let it
happen,because its natural."
Certainly I have much to learn from that lesson,however, I have been
falling asleep my whole life.I have developed a
lot of confidence in the fact that
even if I lose conciousness I'm still going to wake up fine(and more
I KNOW what to expect of sleep, I know how it FEELS.And more
importantly, I have established a routine kind of a ritual, with a
place,that heavily conditions my mind to fall asleep when
performed.(Checking news-sites,taking a shower, changing clothes
,getting into the bed and turning the lights off.For example.)
But, I have no such anchors or habits with trance.I absolutely don't
know how its supposed to feel.
Maybe every person experiences it differently, but how do they KNOW
they experienced it if they have no reference to match against.
I'm confused, but still trying.
In my short and mostly void life I have learnt some things, some
important things.
I have developed the habit of attaching a lesson at
each day.
Today's lesson is an easy one:
-Do not attempt trance before going to sleep as a newbie.
I don't know how many times I might have seen that, certainly many, and
still,I did it.
Started at 12AM, somewhere in between I fell asleep and woke up at
6:30AM(more or less)with the feeling of having being slapped out of a
Damn! The dream was going great indeed!
On a sidenote, I have been unable to remember what i dream for ages.And since I started listening to inductions its getting easier and easier every night, and the dreams make a lot more sense and are "more vivid"
Anyway, Its good to make mistakes if we learn from them, so no more falling sleep in future attempts.
So I will keep trying.But not before bed time.
And damn, If I don't succeed it wont be for lack of effort.