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ParanoidLord's Recent Entries

Another Status Report

by ParanoidLord

So I had the urge to masturbate when under the effects of TrigSlowWomanChange. Considering that I haven't advanced to the point of fully imagining my genitalia as female, I was surprised (and rather pleased) to find that stroking my penis caused a pleasant burning in my "vagina". Being biologically male, my only idea of how females perceive sex is secondhand, but it's a good sign anyways.


- ParanoidLord

Just a note from the future - I've found it very difficult to replicate this sort of sensation in any file I've listened to, but I think it's for lack of trying. I've managed to alter my "feminized" climax/orgasm behavior in other ways, but it's not exactly something to talk about in the limited constraints of a journal comment box.

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