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huntman's Recent Entries

day 6-8

by huntman

I havn't posted much because I didn't have any real progress. I've listened to the file but still havn't had real results :( I still am trying to get some results. I will make sure to keep the logs up for all of you to read. Also for those who are reading this I have a question, Do you think it would help to try preforming the actions in the file even if i dont feel the file working. So just staying on my hands and knees and imagining it. It seems like a good idea to me, cause than it will help me imagine it more while in trance. Well im new to this so just let me know. Thanks everyone! :D


- mutatedbunnyboy

I imagine so, this is often the transition I imagine with most hypnofiles, eventually your mind will think it's actually happenening

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