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Turns out it's the Day of Rest for a reason...(AKA Day 1)

by Aelfreich

Turns out altogether that attempting to start my regimen on a Sunday was...not altogether my best idea. Lemme begin at the beginning. I first set my alarm for 6a.m., for to listen to my files in the morning, and then go for a run. It didn't quite work out that way, as I slammed my hand down on the alarm and went back to bed. That, at least, is just a question of willpower, and will probably get better as I go along. Unfortunately, today is Sunday, aka Dungeons and Dragons Day. It's very hard to be a jock DM. The Atma was in full control today. I did manage to get out for a little run before lunch, and I learned something. To whit: Becoming a Jock From a Full-On Geek is HARD. Running + Me = ARGH MY CHEST. Hopefully THAT will improve as I go on as well. So, I didn't really get a chance to listen to my full regimen today. However, in the wee hours of last night, I did enjoy some disturbing and exhilarating progress. I attempted to allow Jekket's "Be Dumb!" play all night while I slept. No such luck; I couldn't sleep with the headphones in and the file playing. I just lay there, listening, and growing progressively turned on by the thought of what the file wanted me to become. Finally I could stand it no more, caught between the need for release and the need for sleep, I got up and prepared to masturbate. By now, of course, I was in trance and the Jock was in control, and he/I declined to remove the headphones while we set to work. I found myself just idly massaging my testicles while the file completed what was left of one loop, and when it began again, I felt compelled to recite the lines of the file while I masturbated, replacing the words 'you' with 'I' and 'me' and so on. It was amazing, and the orgasm was intense. My voice, further, seemed different while I chanted along; deeper, but not much, and more...how do I say this...blissful, I suppose. Not simply the euphoria of orgasm, my voice was the voice of one without care or worry. It was, as I said, both exhilarating and disturbing. More to come, I'm sure.


- xavious

I've done this myself. I lay with headphones and one time I slept for maybe two hours but woke up. Felt really sexy though and either I was still really tired and dozing but I put my hands down my pants and played a bit feeling nice. I've also spoken along with the files, specifically Be Dumb and I've said things like "easy to be dumb, to have fun" and such. I can actually imitate Jekket a bit even with a bit of an accent, which is exciting. Wish you all the best of luck with your progress.

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