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joe's Recent Entries

brgr traneing

by joe

mor stpid viddios wach tooday but got unnifrms tooday red shert red cap n lerned how too prep foods teh wole time im jus goin wtf this is crazy wtf am i doin got my skedule tooday too wrkin less then othr job n taken paycut btu met the othr dishwashr who b wrkn wit me n he waz lik ur dishwasher? n i waz lik yea i am he sed did u wana b an i sed yea he sed yea me too don gota deel wit nobody n i sed yea we wer sittin at a tabbul wit a thing on it dat sed DISH n noboddy else waz sittin der but us. kant wate too start dishwashin n wenevr sumwun say too munky yo get dis munky say im on it n do it. kan now do 35 pushups n 7 pullups gota join the fukkin gym soon or im guna go crazy


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